Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I am old enough to remember

When anemic economic growth was a bad thing for an incumbent

h/t James Taranto

Two Papers in One!--II
  • "President Bush smiled when he learned this week that economic growth during the third quarter reached a surprising 2.7 percent, almost twice the previous rate. But his smile shouldn't be broad. The new figure almost certainly exaggerates the health of the economy, which continues to creep along at a painfully slow pace. Even the 2.7 figure is half the normal rate of recovery and not enough to bring down unemployment."--editorial, New York Times, Oct. 29, 1992
  • "The slow pace of the nation's economic recovery has picked up a bit lately. In the third quarter, the economy grew at an annual rate of 2 percent, beating expectations and the dismal 1.3 percent growth in the second quarter. Over the past year, the growth rate has been 2.3 percent. At that pace, there's enough momentum to keep unemployment, currently 7.8 percent, from getting much worse."--editorial, New York Times, Oct. 27, 2012

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

NYT and WaPo ran Abu Ghraib on the front page every day, painting Bush with the same brush as the idiots who were mistreating prisoners non-stop. How many front page headlines have been dedicated to Benghazi?

Censored? The SOS post was taken down by Facebook twice... but not before it had been shared online by thousands

Honestly, I think this is a huge issue. Even if Obama wins, after he is impeached for Benghazi then we are stuck with Biden as President. I certainly am old enough to remember how an unqualified, erratic and mentally unstable person should reflect poorly upon the top of the ticket.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

They told me...

if I voted for Mccain/Palin we'd get "eye candy" who struggled with middle school math concepts


On helping kids with homework and whether he struggles with any subjects, Obama says "the math stuff I was fine with, up until 7th grade."

Friday, October 19, 2012

Too good not to steal

h/t Jim Treacher

read the whole thing

What is the big deal about Benghazi anyway?

“Come on, you guys. It’s only an American ambassador and three other Americans who served their country, murdered by Islamic terrorists on the anniversary of 9/11. In a country our president invaded unilaterally and, arguably, illegally. And our government only ignored the copious warnings of an impending terrorist attack on the consulate in Benghazi, and actually reduced security there, despite the since-murdered ambassador’s entreaties. And our president has only been lying about it for over a month because it reflects very badly on his self-evidently disastrous foreign policy. It’s not like it was a hotel break-in.”

Austerity for thee

The two biggest climate warriors I know have pretty strong views. One worked for the Climate Exchange that tried to get off the ground in Chicago and one is a non-profit lawyer.

One wanted laws against SUVs for soccer moms and the other was violently opposed to Keystone Pipeline. He accused me of "spouting right wing talking points" and being "completely uninformed" about the facts of the matter. When I asked him to inform me we had a very cordial and friendly discussion. My point was this.

The oil that is being extracted from the Canadian oil sands will be refined and used. This is just a fact. Our choices, as I saw it, were:

1.) Transport by pipeline to America. Refine and distribute here

2.) Sell internationally, most likely to China

My argument was that pipeline transportation is far more secure than piping to coast, loading on to oil tankers, trans-ocean shipment, offload, and pipe to refineries. EVEN IF nothing happens to harm the environment through those (unnecessary) steps, the standards for pollution in oil refineries are astronomically higher here than in China. Aside from the obvious economic boon to us with this high paying, blue collar jobs that will be created, environmentally it seems like the Keystone option is a HUGE winner for the environment. He hoped that first nation groups would all agree to stop the drilling and refining to happen. Meanwhile, in the real world, this oil is being shipped to China.

This oil could be used to fuel his car when he drives up to Wisconsin every other weekend to go mountain biking.

The SUV zealot also happens to be the most widely traveled person that I know. He has been to every continent and is always in the process of planning his next trip. Why should Soccer Moms change what they want to do when he is not canceling his globe trotting in the eyes of this crisis? Why does he know better than them what is judicious and right? Maybe she is carpooling and is actually saving the planet by taking 5 kids in one trip rather than separate cars? Maybe she feels safer with more metal between her kids and the road? Maybe it is none of our business? Maybe these high minded technocrats do not know what is best for everyone else?

DOE Secretary Stephen Chu rhapsodized about European gas prices as they forced people to drive less. Obama said that electricity prices would "necessarily skyrocket" under his plan and that we cannot "Drive our SUVs or keep our houses at 70 degrees"

Energy is the biggest regressive tax around. Every regulation, closed oil well and mandated alternative energy minimums increase the cost of everything bought or sold in the entire country. Poor people lack the cushion that these better off liberals have in their budgets to make up for every trip to the the grocery store and gas station cost  incrementally more. They do not have that luxury. And these are the ones that beat their chests about how people could only vote for Republicans because they hate poor people and minorities.

I like this take by from Indiana Jones

I will start treating this like a crisis when the people who lecture me about it start acting like it is

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Party of Wall Street

The picture that should prevent Obama from being re-elected

From the last debate

OBAMA: Governor Romney doesn’t have a five-point plan. He has a one-point plan. And that plan is to make sure that folks at the top play by a different set of rules. That’s been his philosophy in the private sector, that’s been his philosophy as governor, that’s been his philosophy as a presidential candidate.

This is a great talking point that I would like to explore. It has populist appeals that tug on the heartstrings. Everyone likes to root for the underdog, the scrappy hockey team with the disgraced lawyer/former hockey star coach looking for redemption against the cake-eating Hawks.

I get it, and it sounds great. The problem is that is a crock of bull.

For those of you who do not know, the man warmly embracing Obama above is Jon Corzine. Former Goldman exec and Governor of New Jersey. Let's get some background on him from our President and Vice President, so I cannot be accused of putting words in their mouths.

According to Biden, literally the first person we called on financial advice.

Helped craft Obama's stimulus

One more time, this time with Megyn Kelly

Why is this a big deal?

Because Jon Corzine is a bigger crook than Bernie Madoff.

Madoff operated an investment vehicle as a Ponzi scheme. While this is dishonest, everyone investing, including my great-uncle who invested his mesothelioma settlement with him, knew that there are inherent risks with any investment. Madoff lied and was a criminal but any time you give your money to other people to invest you have to know there is a non zero chance that things could go horribly wrong.

MF Global, in addition to taking positions on their own behalf, was a clearing house for other, smaller trading shops, hedge funds and private investors. This means they hold cash or securities as collateral and work between trading shops and the exchanges to assure the execution, confirmation,  and settlement of trades. So the money that these people had on account with MF was not there for Corzine and others to make bets with, only to allow them to trade on their own account.

Corzine dipped in to that money when his massive bets started going South. So in addition to losing all the money his firm had on available to invest, he also lost millions of which he had no right to even touch.

But he walks free, continuing to bundle for Obama. This class warrior, opponent of corporate excess, rule-breaking and greed does not really square with the fact that Obama has raised more money from Wall Street than Romney.

I wonder what the price of Corzine's get-out-of-jail free card was? $500,000? A million? Maybe it helps that MF Global was a client of AG Eric Holder's law firm? God knows the DOJ is not busy going after Fast and Furious info so one would think that they have plenty of time. Maybe the other murky connections between MF, Holder and the Obama campaign prevent action.

How Obama can harp on people playing by "a different set of rules" after his biggest campaign bundlers and contributors seem to get massive sweetheart green energy loans, subverted bankruptcy laws and immunity from criminal prosecution in fraud cases over a BILLION blows my mind

Friday, October 12, 2012

Everyone should watch this

I would vote for this guy for President

Amateur Hour

Biden is either completely dishonest or completely delusional.

He outright lied about his votes on Iraq and Afghanistan. He blamed the "Great Recession" on "two wars put on a credit card" and tax cuts for the wealthy. Constantly labeling them the "Bush Tax Cuts."

First, this graph

As you can see, the deficits were declining under Bush, even with these two wars that got near unanimous bi-partisan approval, including votes from Biden and Hillary.

Second, Obama extended those Bush tax cuts saying "you don't raise taxes in a recession." So now it seems like he owns these tax cuts.

The most damning thing that Biden was less than honest about last night was Libya. This is a country where troops were sent without Congressional approval (remember when Bush shredded the Constitution?). We were dragged in to a country to depose a tyrant who had voluntarily surrendered his nuclear program. Then once we are there, there are cables detailing threats and asking for security forces to not be withdrawn that were either rejected or ignored. A request for a DC-10 to be stationed there for rapid evacuation was similarly not fulfilled.

Biden says the administration did not know these requests were made. There is blood on someones hands

It is deja-vu all over again...

Eric Holder did not know the specifics of Fast and Furious, he never read those memos

Stephen Chu did not know about the questions surrounding the viability of Solyndra's business model

Who is in charge? Who is responsible? Where are the adults? At some point the lack of leadership at DOJ, DOE and State dept has to reflect poorly upon the chief executive. That is before we even address the hair plugged buffoon who he put a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Two things

I may be biased as I am a huge fan of FNL but this Romney's campaign slogan appeals to me FAR more than Obama's "GM is alive, Bin Laden is Dead!" rallying cry

Let's break down Obama's claim in 2 parts

GM is alive

Well sure, as much as someone on an Iron Lung is alive. This is a classic example of a false choice. Obama casts himself as a White Knight, riding in to save American automakers who, without his help, would have shut their plants forever and never made a car again. Without his timely intervention, another car would never have been made in the United States.

This is pure bullshit. 

Everyone reading this blog (all 15 of you, Hi Mom!) have flown on bankrupt airlines. People, businesses, cities and states go bankrupt on a regular basis. This happens, it is part of capitalism  People take risks, make choices, they do not always pay off. Bankruptcy is not a death sentence, is a process where productive assets, people and companies are freed from the burden of debts that cannot be covered.

Were GM allowed to go through an orderly, legal bankruptcy, the $56 an hour labor and outrageous legacy costs would have been addressed and they could compete with foreign manufacturers level ground. Instead, the people with legal rights to be first in line were screwed in favor of the UAW (who understand a thing or two about investment, their campaign donations to Dem campaigns return more than any hedge fund I have ever heard of). So now rather than a leaner, more efficient GM standing alone and making cars that people want we have a tax payer financed zombie that exists primarily to provide health care to tens of thousands of UAW retirees that has a small subsidy that makes cars that no one wants and occasionally combust.

I hate the TARP but the banks have largely repaid what they were loaned, the majority of the outstanding money comes from the auto industry. So we, the taxpayers, are invested in a company that has twice the labor costs of their competitors. I am not a doctor, but that does not seem like a good bet

Bin Laden is Dead (foreign policy)

I give Obama all the credit he deserves for killing Bin Laden. Well done and thank you.

There are two things that, in my eyes, completely rule Obama out for re-election. And I would love to hear from Flany or Gleck respond to how their God-King deserves their vote in this light. That is if my overwhelming racism can be overcome to merit a response.

Fast and Furious

Death Toll 300+ in Mexico and 2 Border Control agents and counting

Guns given to known cartel members to be tracked and followed up the chain to followed up the chain to find the bigger fish. Evidently this brilliant plan lacked proper surveillance on the guns and inter-departmental communication as one of the targets was an informant for another agency and consequently untouchable. 

Oh and the border agent that was killed was mandated to use non-lethal (read as bean-bag) rounds while they were knowingly handing assault rifles to cartel hit men.

Holder Lied! Mexicans and Brian Terry Died!

Gleck, remind me, what was the body-count from Watergate?


So tell me if I am missing something here

Obama leads an undeclared war without congressional approval (War of choice! Hey Liberals check me on this but Bush got Congressional approval for Iraq and Afghanistan right?)

This war is to depose a leader who voluntarily gave up his nuclear program right?

At a compound in Benghazi, a known Al Qeada strongold, had security that totaled to local militia, locks and keys

The Ambassador and embassy staff had requests for additional security denied

My fault, that was not asking for additional security, it was ASKING TO NOT TO REMOVE THE GUARDS THEY HAD

Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jay Carney and Susan Rice say that this was some sort of spontaneous movie review

So Obama gets us into a undeclared war, his administration refuses requests for additional security and gets 4 brave Americans killed. Then lies about the circumstances.

I think whoever denied the requests for additional security should be sent to Libya.

Flany, remind me, what was the body count from Watergate?

Failed policies of the past!!!

I hear this rhetoric constantly...

A vote for Romney is a vote to return us to the failed policies of the past...

The policies that got us in to this mess...

Turn the clock back to the failed ideas of the past...

What specific policies are they talking about?

From what I gather they must be referring to the Bush tax cuts, which the Obama Campaign and the media (but I repeat myself) blame for the economic crisis.

I am unclear as to how Obama can blame these tax cuts after he extended them. I do not know how he can blame these tax cuts after saying this. Or from the fact that tax revenues actually increased.

Regulation? The straw man that liberals love to ANNIHILATE is that conservatives hate regulation, police firefighters, consumer protection etc etc. They paint small-government conservatives as some so of anarchist/extreme libertarian bogeyman that would prefer some sort of Mad Max Beyond Thunder-dome free for all


Just because I think we are over regulated and over litigious does not mean I prefer Lord of the Flies. It is akin to my weight, I could stand so lose some, but my target weight is not exactly zero.

I realize this must test well with low information voters, but where is the beef?

Then he says the private sector is "doing fine" and our unemployment stems from the drastic cuts in public employees? Well those numbers seem to be flawed also.

I understand Obama has no record of his own to vote on, aside from passing an unpopular healthcare bill through legislative tricks that had to be re written from the Supreme Court Bench, but come on