Monday, October 18, 2010

First Round of Donations

Approved for my unemployment benefits of $385 a week.  As Nancy said, this is the best way to stimulate the economy.  My experiment/way of not feeling like a complete deadbeat is to donate this money to conservative candidates who will stimulate the economy by undoing everything Pelosi, Reid and Obama are doing.  Now let's get to the good part, the donations.

First is a completely visceral decision.  There is no politician that bothers me more than Barney Frank.  If you are reading this blog and need a primer on why Barney Frank is despicable, you are probably in the wrong place and should head back to, but I will give a quick recap.

Out of touch with the real world and realities of the market, especially in the housing market, encouraging FNM and FRE to "roll the dice" by taking on more subprime risk.

Refuses to acknowledge his and the governments roll in the crisis and demagoguing class warrior.

On top of all this, just an arrogant, blustering, condescending jerk with an overinflated sense of entitlement.

My first $100 is going to Sean Bielat, to retire Barney Frank.  Marine who builds robots to kill terrorists when he is not killing them himself.  Real world experience, leadership on the battlefield and in the private sector.  Experience building business and willing to speak like a grown up on budget and entitlement realities.  Check out his site for more details and to donate.

Barney is ahead, but hes scared.  He is raising hell to get Obama and Bill Clinton to make campaign appearances for him in the one the deepest blue districts in MA.

Second $100 donation is a little more local for me.  Bobby Schilling is a small business owner trying to unseat Phil "The Constitution does not matter to me" Hare.  Bobby quit the corporate world and opened a pizzeria with his family that has grown from a storefront to multiple locations (military vet and small business owner are going to be recurring themes in where my donations go as I think those are two of things that should be pre reqs for office).  Whereas Bobby has experience meeting payroll growing a business, Phil Hare thinks that the massive federal debt is fiction.  I would rather my state be represented by someone living in a reality based world.  Learn more about Bobby and donate here

My next $100 is a bit of a cop out.  Victor David Hanson is one of my favorite writers.  He teaches Classics at Stanford and writes books about ancient Greece, western thought and political commentary.  If you are a military history geek like I am, his books are a can't miss.  I think he is one of the smartest, coherent and engaging writers in the political word today.  He also rarely raves about specific candidates so when I read this about Chris Gibson I was sold:

[A] rare American -- war hero, author, West Point instructor, retired colonel, conservative-- Chris Gibson is running neck and neck in New York's 20th Congressional District [against incumbent Scott Murphy]. I don't get involved in political races per se; but I met Chris during his one-year stay at Stanford, and found him a rare Renaissance figure -- yet another of these idealistic first-time candidates without a political resume who are entering the fray to save this country. I think pundits have not appreciated the fact that this is not quite a red/blue, Republican versus Democratic race, but a historic election in which many of the Republican candidates are first-time politicians, beholden to no one, and not part of the Republican establishment. Their ascendancy should make things very interesting. Chris is a rare candidate, whose integrity is as unquestioned as his talents are boundless. It was an honor to be called his friend. He is an investment in our collective future.

read the whole thing 

Find out more about Chris and donate here

Last $85 is not going to rehab for my knee or mortgage payments but to my favorite blog, Ace of Spades HQ,  This angry blog with creepy ewoks, a Valu-Rite vodka problem and hobo-homicidal tendencies is smart, funny and completely over the top.  They are also partnering with freedomworks for a grass roots GOTV effort.  This is incredibly important if you have the time and inclination give a few hours, every little bit helps.  It is not all hard work and misery, I was solicited in Spanish by a prostitute when I was out putting up signs this weekend.  So there are perks.

Once again, I welcome any input from anyone in the comments or email.  Tell me about someone who is an exceptional candidate or going against someone particularly distasteful who is close and could use the cash.


  1. How about donating to Ruth McClung in the AZ-07 race? I did. She is an actual rocket scientist, no less. We need to get rid of the open-borders traitor Rep. Raul Grijalva. He is far better funded than she, but he's on the ropes.

  2. I support your campaign of donating your unemployment checks to candidates around the country. I would suggest that you send funds to Jesse Kelly, He is running for AZ's 8th District and the race is very close.
